CCTB Students Ranked Among the Top in Canada


Recent results from the BASE University/Student Rankings in Soft Skills highlight significant achievements by students from the Canadian College of Technology and Business (CCTB) in Vancouver. Notable performances by Giovanna Fanchin (business major) and Ignacio Vega (computer science major) showcase their mastery of essential soft skills that are increasingly valuable in today’s competitive job market.

The BASE AI platform analyzes student behaviors and interactions to assign percentile rankings based on performance compared to peers. Among 2,708 students from over 100 colleges and universities:

  • Giovanna ranks in the top 12% for Communication and 13% for Social Skills, while
  • Ignacio ranks in the top 4% for Influential and Collaboration Skills and 6% for Responsiveness and Likeability.

These rankings provide valuable insights into students’ strengths and capabilities, highlighting skills that are critical for career success but often considered unquantifiable.

The achievements of CCTB students in these rankings demonstrate that excellence in soft skills is not confined to any specific educational institution. As the BASE AI platform continues to refine its assessment algorithms, students gain deeper insights into their strengths and areas for growth, better preparing them for the modern job market.

While these rankings are a useful tool, they should be considered alongside other evaluations to provide a comprehensive view of a student’s abilities.

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